Welcome Rama Sobhani — fsolegal.com
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Welcome Rama Sobhani

Rama Sobhani has joined Farmer Scott Ozete Robinson & Schmitt LLP as a summer clerk. Rama has completed his second year at Indiana University Maurer School of Law. As a law student, Rama has been a Fellow of the Center for Constitutional Democracy and participated in the Indiana Journal of Constitutional Design. Rama also has experience with the Rural Justice Initiative where he spent a summer as an extern for Judge Sherry Gregg Gilmore of Knox Circuit Court.

Prior to attending law school, Rama was the Superintendent of the Knox County Parks and Recreation Department from 2012-2021. He also was a reporter for the Vincennes Sun Commercial.

Rama earned a Bachelor of Arts in Television Production from California State University, Northridge, and a Master of Arts in Journalism from Indiana University.

In his spare time, Rama enjoys fishing, motorcycling, playing music, metal working, building furniture and gardening.

We are excited to welcome Rama to our firm for the summer.

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